
Publisher Explorer - Find New Publishers


Finding new publishers to promote your campaign needs to be one of the first things you do when you join Optimise, as they generate the traffic that makes you money.

You should start by understanding the different types of Publishers and thinking about how you want to work with them on your Campaign.

Our Publisher Explorer and Publisher Profiles are the perfect way to find publishers, to learn more about them to ensure they're the right fit for you, and to get them promoting your campaign.

Publisher Explorer

Publisher Explorer

The Publisher Explorer page will help you find publishers when you launch your campaign; you can see the most successful publishers and use the filters to find those publishers who are right for you.

You'll want to revisit the Explorer page regularly to make sure you are working with the right publishers and find new ones.

Break your results down using the filters and launch the profile of any publishers you are interested in.

Publisher Profiles

Publisher profiles are designed to tell you all you need to know about a publisher to determine whether it's someone you'd want to work with.

The profile will tell you:

  • key information about the publisher, for example the publisher type (whether they're a cashback, content, voucher publisher etc)
  • how they perform across different verticals
  • what media platforms they work on (eg. App, Web, Social) and what reach they have - Domain Authority is a useful measure to understand how much traffic a website is receiving - you can view this in Publisher Explorer. Also, performing a search on SimilarWeb can be good to review a website's traffic.
  • any media packs the publisher has uploaded
  • any historic communications between the two of you