Optimise Network API (1.0.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
This is the documentation for the Optimise Network API.
To authenticate an apikey must be specified in the header of the request. The API Key can be generated by creating a Service Account in Insights Dashboard.
List Campaigns
This endpoint returns a list of Campaigns. The list can be filtered by statuses to return those Campaigns where the Publisher has a relationship.
query Parameters
contactId required | integer <int32> contactId of the advertiser or publisher |
agencyId required | integer <int64> Select a valid AgencyID from https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/apireference#agencyid |
offset | integer <int32> Default: 0 How many items to skip for pagination |
limit | integer <int64> Default: 50 |
showInactive | boolean contact deactivated flag |
sortColumnName | string Name of column to sort by |
sortDirection | string direction of column to sort 'asc'/'desc' |
statuses | Array of strings status of the campaigns |
campaignTypeIds | Array of integers <int32> [ items <int32 > ] ids of the campaign types |
advertiserContactIds | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] ids of the advertisers |
payoutTypeIds | Array of integers <int32> [ items <int32 > ] ids of the payout Type |
sectorIds | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] ids of the sectors |
verticalIds | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] ids of the sectors (verticals) |
platformTypeIds | Array of integers <int32> [ items <int32 > ] ids of the platforms |
countryIds | Array of integers <int32> [ items <int32 > ] ids of the countries |
returnPublishersForCampaign | boolean If true it will return the publishers for the returned campaigns |
orderBy | string ordering the results (productId, alphabetically, launchDate) |
hostname | string hostname to filter by |
productIds | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] Filter based on product ids |
hasEnquiryCriteria | boolean Include campaigns which have enquiry criteria |
advertiserCampaignStatuses | Array of strings Items Enum: "live" "waiting" "paused" status of the advertiser campaigns |
isItemLevelCommissionGroup | boolean Include campaigns based on commission group type |
searchTerm | string Search term to filter the campaigns by name or id |
managedBy | string Enum: "optimise" "advertiser" Filter the campaigns by who they're managed by |
paymentTypes | Array of strings Items Enum: "express" "faster" "nonstandard" Filter the campaigns by available payment |
extendedData | boolean include results with the campaign extended details |
itemLevel | boolean |
incentive | boolean |
dailyCap | boolean |
postView | boolean |
productFeed | boolean |
deeplink | boolean |
uid | boolean |
crossTracking | boolean |
brandBidding | boolean |
publisherEligibility | string Enum: "all" "eligible" "ineligible" |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "productId": 0,
- "contactId": "string",
- "advertiser": "string",
- "agencyId": 0,
- "agencyName": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "status": "live",
- "type": "string",
- "payout": {
- "currency": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "vertical": {
- "primary": "string",
- "secondary": "string"
}, - "publishers": [
- {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "status": "live",
- "campaignId": "string",
- "campaignSubStatus": "live",
- "fcaAuthorised": true,
- "fcaNumber": 0
], - "deeplinkEnabled": true,
- "defaultLanguageId": 0,
- "testURL": "string",
- "crossSellAgencies": [
- 0
], - "conversionEnquiryValidation": {
- "name": true,
- "emailAddress": true,
- "postalCode": true,
- "transactionValue": true,
- "referenceValidationType": "Alpha",
- "referenceValidation": "string",
- "referenceValidationMaxLength": "string",
- "enquiryMinAge": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "lastUpdated": "string"
}, - "landingPage": {
- "websiteUrl": "string",
- "websiteParams": "string",
- "thirdPartyUrl": "string"
}, - "campaignLogo": {
- "guid": "string",
- "location": "string"
}, - "lastModifiedDate": "string",
- "dateCreated": "string",
- "defaultCampaign": true,
- "signupType": "default",
- "autoCrossSell": true,
- "commissionCost": 0,
- "commissionGroupBandType": "string",
- "commissionGroupName": "string",
- "defaultProduct": 0,
- "campaignLevel": "Item",
- "fcaAuthorised": true
Generate Deeplink
This endpoint returns the deeplink url
NOTE: Must pass PID or URL to get deeplink url.
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> Select a valid AgencyID from https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/apireference#agencyid |
aid required | integer <int64> ContactID of the publisher |
pid | integer <int64> ID of the campaign |
url | string The Advertiser URL to convert to a deeplink |
placement | integer Enum: 0 1 option to create new placement [Do not create placement - 0, Create placement - 1] |
placementName | string name used for the Campaign Placement Identifier when creating a placement. This is required when the placement parameter is set to 1 |
placementDescription | string placement description. This is required when the placement parameter is set to 1 |
Response samples
- 200
{- "deeplinkUrl": "string"
Get Campaign
This endpoint returns the details of a specific Campaign for the given campaignId/productId
NOTE: Does not yet support requests from the Advertiser scope.
path Parameters
productId required | integer <int64> Id of the campaign |
query Parameters
contactId required | integer <int32> contactId of the advertiser or publisher |
agencyId required | integer <int64> Select a valid AgencyID from https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/apireference#agencyid |
Response samples
- 200
{- "productId": 0,
- "campaignId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "status": "live",
- "productTypeName": "string",
- "consentMethod": "string",
- "platformName": "string",
- "currencyCode": "string",
- "validationWindow": 0,
- "validationEndWindow": 0,
- "validationPeriod": "string",
- "payout": {
- "currency": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "vertical": {
- "primary": "string",
- "secondary": "string"
}, - "appliedDate": "string",
- "advertiserId": "string",
- "advertiserName": "string",
- "commission": {
- "value": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "autoCrossSell": true,
- "deepLinkEnabled": true,
- "uidEnabled": true,
- "cookieDuration": 0,
- "dailyCap": "string",
- "firstLastCookie": "string",
- "cashback": true,
- "voucher": true,
- "brandBidding": true,
- "email": true,
- "socialMedia": true,
- "behaviouralRetargeting": true,
- "adultContent": true,
- "fCAAuthorised": true,
- "popUnderUp": true,
- "postView": 0,
- "terms": {
- "acceptedTerms": true,
- "body": "string",
- "createdDate": "string"
}, - "agencyName": "string",
- "agencyCompanyName": "string",
- "agencyRegistrationNumber": "string",
- "agencyAddress": "string",
- "postback": {
- "url": "string",
- "type": true
}, - "landingPage": {
- "websiteUrl": "string",
- "websiteParams": "string",
- "thirdPartyUrl": "string"
}, - "baseTrackingUrl": "string",
- "productFeed": 0,
- "agencyId": 0,
- "accountManagerEmail": "string",
- "markets": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "primary": true
], - "defaultCampaign": true,
- "signupType": "default",
- "advertiserLogoLocation": "string",
- "conversionEnquiryValidation": {
- "name": true,
- "emailAddress": true,
- "postalCode": true,
- "transactionValue": true,
- "referenceValidationType": "Alpha",
- "referenceValidation": "string",
- "referenceValidationMaxLength": "string",
- "enquiryMinAge": 0,
- "description": "string",
- "lastUpdated": "string"
}, - "campaignLogo": {
- "guid": "string",
- "location": "string"
}, - "lastModifiedDate": "string",
- "primaryContactEmail": "string",
- "protectedGroups": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "campaignLevel": "Item",
- "advertiserUsers": [
- {
- "userId": 0,
- "firstName": "string",
- "surname": "string",
- "contactDetails": "string",
- "primaryContact": true,
- "isAdminUser": true
], - "acceptingApplications": true,
- "requireReason": true,
- "requireReasonQuestion": "string",
- "eligibilitySetting": 0,
- "campaignApplicationMarkets": [
- "string"
], - "isEligible": true,
- "eligibleToCampaignSetting": true,
- "trackingType": "string",
- "productFeedCount": 0,
- "voucherOffersCount": 0,
- "servicePlanId": 0,
- "dateCreated": "string",
- "defaultLanguageId": 0,
- "subStatus": "live"
List Campaign Commission Groups
Gets a list of commission groups for the given Campaign
path Parameters
campaignId required | integer <int64> Id of the campaign |
query Parameters
contactId required | integer <int32> contactId of the publisher |
agencyId required | integer <int64> Select a valid AgencyID from https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/apireference#agencyid |
offset | integer <int32> Default: 0 How many items to skip for pagination |
limit | integer <int64> Default: 50 |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "typeId": 0,
- "type": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "limits": {
- "lower": 0,
- "upper": 0
}, - "cost": 0,
- "payout": "string",
- "campaignId": 0,
- "publisherId": 0,
- "percentage": true,
- "attributes": [
- {
- "id": 0,
- "condition": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "value": "string",
- "operator": "equals"
List Invoices
Gets a list of invoices for an Advertiser
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> Agency Id |
contactId required | integer <int64> Contact Id |
startDate required | string <datetime> Start date |
endDate | string <datetime> End date |
status | string Enum: "Draft" "Settled" "Contra" "Sent" "Allocated" Status |
accountManager | integer <int64> Account manager id |
showPayments | boolean Show the payments |
invoiceId | integer <int64> Invoice Id |
myInvoiceId | integer <int64> Exclude invoice Id |
culture | string Culture code |
invoiceTypeId | integer <int32> The type on invoice |
includeDeleted | boolean Show the deleted invoices |
campaignName | string Name of the campaign |
showOnlyInvoicesWithNoOutstanding | boolean Show invoices that are not outstanding |
commissionTypeId | integer <int32> Commission Type |
currencyId | integer <int32> currencyId |
offset | integer <int32> offset |
limit | integer <int32> limit |
showOnlyUnpaidFODInvoice | boolean showOnlyUnpaidFODInvoice |
sortColumnName | string sortColumnName |
sortDirection | string sortDirection |
campaignIds | string campaignIds |
poNumber | string poNumber |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 403
[- {
- "invoiceId": "string",
- "contactId": "string",
- "accountManager": "string",
- "advertiser": "string",
- "date": "string",
- "net": 0,
- "vat": 0,
- "gross": 0,
- "dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dateSent": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "Draft",
- "invoiceType": "string",
- "creditNoteAllocation": 0,
- "commissionType": "string",
- "deleted": true,
- "receipts": 0,
- "oustanding": 0,
- "currencySymbol": "string",
- "poNumber": "string",
- "poValue": 0,
- "poDifference": 0,
- "invoiceFileName": "string",
- "campaigns": [
- {
- "campaignId": "string",
- "campaignName": "string"
Create Placement
Create a new placement
query Parameters
advertiserId required | integer <int64> contactId of the advertiser |
agencyId required | integer <int64> Id of the agency |
Request Body schema: application/json
The new placement to create
campaignId | integer Id of the Publisher Campaign the Placement will be linked to |
placementName | string >= 3 characters Name of the new placement |
type | integer Enum: 1 2 3 4 5 Placement Type - 1 = Listing, 2 = Email, 3 = Display, 4 = Eligibility, 5 = Non Eligibility |
placementDescription | string >= 3 characters Description of the placement |
destinationUrl | string or null Destination URL |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "campaignId": 0,
- "placementName": "string",
- "type": 1,
- "placementDescription": "string",
- "destinationUrl": "string"
List Placements
Gets a list of placements
query Parameters
campaignIds | Array of strings Id(s) of the campaign(s) to filter on |
advertiserId required | integer <int64> contactId of the advertiser |
publisherIds | Array of strings contactId(s) of the publisher(s) to filter on |
agencyId required | integer <int64> Id of the agency |
offset | integer <int32> Default: 0 How many items to skip for pagination |
limit | integer <int32> Default: 50 Number of items to return |
fromDate required | string <date> Filter by from date |
toDate required | string <date> Filter by to date |
sort | string Sort by column name |
direction | string Sort by direction |
searchText | string Text to filter placements by |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "url": "string",
- "publisherId": 0,
- "campaignId": 0,
- "publisher": "string",
- "campaign": "string",
- "dateCreated": "string",
- "maskURL": "string",
- "typeId": 0,
- "publisherCampaignId": 0
Get Placement
Gets a specific placement by ID
path Parameters
placementId required | integer <int64> Id of the placement |
query Parameters
advertiserId required | integer <int64> contactId of the advertiser |
agencyId required | integer <int64> Id of the agency |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 0,
- "campaignId": 0,
- "identifier": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "thirdPartyUrl": "string",
- "type": 0,
- "dateCreated": "string",
- "userCreated": 0,
- "importType": 0,
- "isDeleted": "string",
- "userName": "string",
- "userSecondName": "string",
- "clickURLTemplate": "string",
- "contactID": "string",
- "maskURL": "string",
- "affiliateName": "string",
- "placementType": "string",
- "productId": "string",
- "affiliateContactId": "string",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "advertiserName": "string",
- "agencyId": "string"
List Conversions
This endpoint returns a detailed list of Conversions for the given Publisher or Advertiser.
ConversionType can be changed to return a list of Conversions with basket items or related to a specific payment.
Use dateField to query the Conversions based on different date events.
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> Select a valid agencyId from https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/apireference#agencyid |
contactId required | integer <int64> For Advertisers use MID, for Publishers use AID |
campaignId | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] Filter conversions by campaign id (for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
advertiserId | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] For Publishers, filter conversions by MID/advertiserId (for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
publisherId | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] For Advertisers, filter conversions by AID/publisherId (for conversionType conversions & contactType advertiser) |
invoicePayoutId | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] For Publishers, filter conversions by invoice payout id (for coversionType conversionsByPayment) |
queryAppGuid | string Search app guid (for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
queryMerchantRef | Array of strings For Advertisers, filters by merchantappid or order reference (for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
queryUid | string For Publishers, Filter by UID/SubID (for conversionType conversions) |
status | Array of strings Items Enum: "approved" "pending" "rejected" Filter conversions by status (for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
paymentStatus | string Enum: "nextPayment" "advertiserInvoiced" "awaitingInvoicing" "paymentSent" Filter conversions by payment status (for conversionType conversions) |
fromDate required | string <date> Filter conversion from after the specified date (yyyy-mm-dd) (required for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
toDate required | string <date> Filter conversion from before the specified date (yyyy-mm-dd) (required for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
dateField required | string Enum: "impression" "click" "conversion" "invoice" "lastModifiedDate" The event date field we want to filter down by (required for conversionType conversions, conversionsByBasketItem) |
legacyId | integer <int64> Old legacy conversion id |
offset | integer >= 0 The number of conversions to skip |
limit | integer [ 1 .. 500 ] Default: 50 The number of conversions to return |
conversionType | string Default: "conversions" Enum: "conversions" "conversionsByPayment" "conversionsByBasketItem" The type of the conversion to get |
targetCurrencyCode required | string Target conversion currency |
excludeInvoiced | boolean |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "conversionId": "string",
- "advertiserRef": "string",
- "legacyId": 0,
- "agencyId": 0,
- "publisherId": 0,
- "exchangeRate": 0,
- "campaignId": 0,
- "publisherCampaignId": 0,
- "advertiserId": 0,
- "publisherName": "string",
- "publisherType": "string",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "campaignTypeId": 0,
- "campaignTypeName": "string",
- "conversionDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "clickDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "invoiceDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "pending",
- "rawConversionValue": {
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": "string"
}, - "ipAddress": "string",
- "referrer": "string",
- "conversionValue": {
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "publisherAmount": "string",
- "publisherCurrency": "string"
}, - "origConversionValue": {
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "publisherAmount": "string",
- "publisherCurrency": "string"
}, - "commission": {
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "bandId": 0
}, - "item": {
- "name": "string",
- "sku": "string",
- "volume": "string",
- "value": {
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": "string"
}, - "voucher": "string",
- "extendedData": {
- "ex1": "string",
- "ex2": "string",
- "ex3": "string",
- "ex4": "string",
- "ex5": "string",
- "ex6": "string",
- "ex7": "string",
- "ex8": "string",
- "ex9": "string",
- "ex10": "string",
- "ex11": "string"
}, - "cost": {
- "currency": "string",
- "amount": "string",
- "bandId": 0
}, - "invoiceId": 0,
- "placement": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "creative": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "publisherWebsiteUrl": "string",
- "rejectionReason": "string",
- "rejectionCode": "string",
- "loyalty": true,
- "country": "string",
- "custType": "string",
- "quoteAction": "string",
- "conversionDuration": "string",
- "deeplinkURL": "string",
- "commissionCalculation": {
- "networkUseInvoiceDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "publisherUseInvoiceDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
}, - "mid": 0
Bulk Update Conversions
Updates a conversion. This endpoint does not currently support batch updates, so pass in conversions as an array of length 1.
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> Select a valid agencyId from https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/apireference#agencyid |
contactId required | integer <int64> For Advertisers use MID, for Publishers use AID |
Request Body schema: application/json
Array of objects | |||||||||||||||||||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "conversions": [
- {
- "advertiserConversionId": "string",
- "advertiserId": 0,
- "status": "pending",
- "invoiceDate": "string",
- "calcDate": "string",
- "conversionValue": {
- "amount": "string"
}, - "rejectionCode": 0,
- "extendedData": {
- "ex1": "string",
- "ex2": "string",
- "ex3": "string",
- "ex4": "string",
- "ex5": "string",
- "ex6": "string",
- "ex7": "string",
- "ex8": "string",
- "ex9": "string",
- "ex10": "string",
- "ex11": "string"
}, - "items": [
- {
- "uid": "string",
- "itemID": "string",
- "itemVolume": 0,
- "itemValue": 0,
- "itemCategory": "string",
- "itemBrand": "string",
- "itemPolicyType": "string",
- "itemStatus": "string"
List Conversion Enquiries
Use this endpoint to view Conversion Enquiries for a Publisher Account.
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> AgencyId for the active session |
contactId required | integer <int64> ContactId for the active session |
enquiryIds | Array of integers Enquiry ids to select |
statusIds | Array of integers statusIds to filter by |
advertiserIds | Array of integers Advertiser ids to filter by |
publisherIds | Array of integers Publisher ids to filter by |
uIds | Array of strings UIDS to filter by |
advertiserAppId | string MerchantAppID to filter by |
publisherRefs | Array of strings publisherRefs to filter by |
productId | integer <int64> Product id to filter by |
customerName | string Customer name to search by |
fromDate | string <date> Filter the from date |
toDate | string <date> Filter the to date |
direction | string Default: "desc" Enum: "asc" "desc" The direction of the results |
offset | integer >= 0 The number to skip |
limit | integer >= 1 Default: 50 The number to return |
Response samples
- 200
{- "enquiryId": 0,
- "creationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lastUpdated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "optimiseNotes": "string",
- "notes": "string",
- "uId": "string",
- "commissionValue": 0,
- "statusId": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "advertiserAppId": "string",
- "agencyId": "string",
- "campaign": {
- "id": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "publisher": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "ref": "string"
}, - "advertiser": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "conversion": {
- "id": 0,
- "transactionDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "commissionEarned": 0,
- "status": "string",
- "rejectionReason": "string",
- "rejectionCode": 0,
- "invoiceId": 0,
- "pId": 0,
- "uId": "string",
- "invoicePayoutId": 0,
- "paymentStatus": "string",
- "statusLastUpdated": "string"
Upload File
Uploads a file to file explorer
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer user AgencyId |
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId of selected contact |
useDefaultLocation | boolean useDefaultLocation |
Request Body schema: multipart/form-data
file | string <binary> Get file data |
folderId | string Folder Id in which file exists |
name | string File Name |
categoryId | integer Category for which file uplaoded |
description | string Description of file |
notifyUserIds | string UserId's which get notified on file upload |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 500
{- "entryId": 0
List Files
Retrieves a list of file entries.
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> The agency Id |
contactId required | integer <int64> The contact Id |
userId | integer <int64> The user Id |
sort | string The property to sort on |
direction | string The direction to sort on (asc/desc) |
offset required | integer <int64> The offset to fetch entries for |
limit required | integer <int64> The limit of entries returned |
includeSubEntries | boolean |
categoryId | Array of integers <int64> [ items <int64 > ] Default: 1 The category Id(s) of the files to list. Defaults to 1 (Validations) if no value is provided. Category Lookup Table |
entryType | string Default: "FILE" Enum: "FILE" "FOLDER" Entry Type (FILE or FOLDER) |
folderId | integer <int64> Required if searching for files saved inside a folder/subfolder. To obtain a list of available folders and their Ids, call this endpoint passing |
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "agencyId": 0,
- "contactId": 0,
- "user": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "secondName": "string",
- "email": "string"
}, - "category": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "entryType": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string"
}, - "parentEntryId": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "fileExtension": "string",
- "fileSize": 0,
- "filePath": "string",
- "uploaded": true,
- "creationDate": "string",
- "deleted": true,
- "deletionUser": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "secondName": "string",
- "email": "string"
}, - "deletionDate": "string",
- "lastDownloadDate": "string",
- "downloadCount": 0,
- "lastDownloadUser": {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "secondName": "string",
- "email": "string"
}, - "expirationDate": "string",
- "campaignName": "string",
- "publisherName": "string",
- "campaignId": 0,
- "publisherId": 0,
- "companyName": "string"
Publisher Payment Overview
Retrieves a commission status report for the Publisher.
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> The agency Id |
contactId required | integer <int64> The contact Id |
startYear required | integer The Start year |
startMonth required | integer The Start month |
endYear required | integer The end year |
endMonth required | integer The end month |
advertiserId required | integer <int64> contactId of the advertiser |
campaignId required | integer <int64> Id of the campaign |
paymentStatus required | string Enum: "Payment Sent" "Next Payment" "Advertiser Invoiced" "No Commission" "Fast" "Fast (Adjustment)" "Fast (Reversal)" Filter report by payment status |
Response samples
- 200
{- "CampaignStatID": 0,
- "BillingYear": 0,
- "BillingMonth": 0,
- "OptimiseCompany": "string",
- "Merchant": "string",
- "Product": "string",
- "Imp": 0,
- "Clicks": 0,
- "VT": 0,
- "Currency": "string",
- "ValidatedCommission": 0,
- "OutStandingCommission": 0,
- "PaymentStatus": "string",
- "PaymentType": "string",
- "InvoiceNumber": 0,
- "InvoiceNumberList": "string",
- "MID": 0,
- "PID": 0,
- "PaymentDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "ProductCurrencyRate": 0,
- "UV": 0,
- "ExpressPay": 0,
- "AffiliateCurrencyRate": 0
List Voucher Codes
Retrieves offers & voucher code for campaigns that Publishers are promoting.
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> The agency Id |
contactId required | integer <int64> The publisher Id |
advertiserContactId | integer <int64> The advertiser Id |
categoryId | integer <int32> The category Id. Category Lookup Table |
active | boolean Default: true Include active voucher codes |
expired | boolean Default: false Include expired voucher codes |
startDate | string <date-time> The Start date |
endDate | string <date-time> The end date |
historyDays | integer <int32> Number of days to search |
id | integer <int32> Voucher code Id |
pid | integer <int32> The product Id |
offset | integer <int32> The offset |
limit | integer <int32> The limit |
cultureCode | string <cultureCode> The culture code |
exclusive | boolean Exlusive |
Response samples
- 200
{- "id": 0,
- "productId": 0,
- "campaignName": "string",
- "companyName": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "description": "string",
- "activationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "expiryDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "title": "string",
- "campaignId": 0,
- "deepLinkURL": "string",
- "trackingURL": "string",
- "deepLinkTrackingURL": "string",
- "addedon": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "categoryName": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "discount": "string",
- "categoryId": 0,
- "status": "Pending",
- "affiliateSpecific": true,
- "CultureCode": "string",
- "Exclusive": true,
- "shopifyCode": true
List Product Feeds
Gets a list of product feeds for campaigns that Publishers are promoting. The feedId can be combined with AID to create a download URL
query Parameters
contactId required | integer <int64> ContactId for the active session |
agencyId required | integer <int64> AgencyId for the active session |
offset | integer <int64> Default: 0 How many items to skip for pagination |
limit | integer <int64> Default: 50 How many items to limit to for pagination |
feedId | integer <int32> pass feedId |
pid | integer <int64> pass pid |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "name": "string",
- "campaignId": 0,
- "campaignName": "string",
- "feedId": 0,
- "feedName": "string",
- "feedUrl": "string",
- "experimentalFeedUrl": "string",
- "experimentalFeedId": 0,
- "itemCount": 0,
- "itemAddedCount": 0,
- "itemChangedCount": 0,
- "lastImportedDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
List Payments
This endpoint returns a list of payments made to a specific Publisher.
query Parameters
id | integer <int64> Invoice payout id |
contactId required | integer <int64> ContactId for the active session |
agencyId required | integer <int64> agencyId for the active session |
status | string Enum: "Raised" "Sent" Invoice payout status |
startDate required | string <date> publisher payment start date |
endDate required | string <date> publisher payment end date |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
[- {
- "id": 0,
- "netPayout": 0,
- "vatPayout": 0,
- "total": 0,
- "publisherCurrencyCode": "string",
- "dateCreated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "dateSent": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "sent": false,
- "status": "string",
- "contactID": 0,
- "agencyID": 0,
- "startMonth": 0,
- "endMonth": 0,
- "startYear": 0,
- "endYear": 0,
- "invoiceCompanyID": 0,
- "pendingWithdrawlRequest": true,
- "withdrawalId": 0,
- "withdrawalLocked": true
This endpoint returns the result of the executed report.
query Parameters
contactId required | integer <int64> Id of the contact |
agencyId required | integer <int64> Id of the agency |
accountManagerType | string Enum: "PAM" "CAM" |
accountManagerIds | string |
Request Body schema: application/json
measures required | Array of strings Items Enum: "validatedConversions" "rejectedConversions" "pendingConversions" "totalConversions" "assistedConversions" "clicks" "pendingCommission" "validatedCommission" "rejectedCommission" "averageCommission" "clickCommission" "validatedConversionCommission" "totalCommission" "commissionpending" "uniqueVisitors" "conversionRate" "validatedConversionRate" "validationRate" "assistedConversionRate" "rejectedConversionRate" "ctr" "epc" "ecpm" "averageOrderValue" "originalOrderValue" "impressions" "averageValidatedCost" "pendingNetCost" "validatedCost" "validatedNetCost" "rejectedNetCost" "totalNetCost" "averageCost" "clickCost" "validatedConversionCost" "quoteEvent" "homepageEvent" "landingPageEvent" "contentPageEvent" "applicationStartEvent" "basketEvent" "applicationEndEvent" "quoteStartEvent" "applicationDeclineEvent" "applicationReferralEvent" "returnOnAdSpend" "returnOnInvestment" "completedApplications" "pendingReturnOnAdSpend" "pendingReturnOnInvestment" "estimatedValidatedConversions" "estimatedValidatedCommission" "estimatedValidatedNetCost" Measures with which to build the report query. Additional information on available measures can be found in the reference table |
dimensions required | Array of strings Items Enum: "invoiceDateId" "dateId" "date" "dayName" "week" "weekCommencing" "month" "monthName" "monthNo" "quarter" "year" "invoiceDate" "InvoiceDayName" "invoiceWeek" "invoiceWeekCommencing" "invoiceMonth" "invoiceMonthNo" "invoiceMonthName" "invoiceQuarter" "invoiceYear" "hour" "minute" "websiteName" "websiteUrl" "adContainerId" "adContainerName" "adUnitId" "adUnitPath" "adUnitHeight" "adUnitWidth" "adUnitTypeName" "publisherId" "publisherName" "publisherType" "advertiserId" "advertiserName" "campaignId" "agencyId" "deviceType" "deviceTypeCount" "primaryVerticalId" "primaryVertical" "secondaryVerticalId" "secondaryVertical" "countryName" "countryCode" "city" "regionName" "placementId" "placementName" "placementDesc" "placementType" "PID" "campaignGroupId" "campaignGroup" "itemPolicyType" "itemCategory" "campaignStatus" "partnerType" "campaignType" "campaignTypeId" "operatingSystem" "customerType" "trackingType" "campaignCountry" "currencyCode" "voucherCode" "campaignName" "quoteAction" Dimensions with which to build the report query. Additional information on available dimensions can be found in the reference table |
required | Array of objects |
required | Array of objects Measures or dimensions by which data is to be ordered |
dateType required | string Enum: "conversionDate" "invoiceDate" Event-date against which a data point is held |
fromDate required | string Defines start point for report data |
toDate | string Defines end point for report data |
targetCurrency | string Defines currency into which data should be converted |
dateGroupBy | string Enum: "daily" "weekly" "monthly" "quarterly" "weekCommencing" "yearly" Defines time period by which to aggregate data |
includeOriginalCurrency | boolean Whether to return original currency |
includeTargetCurrency | boolean Whether to return target currency |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "measures": [
- "validatedConversions"
], - "dimensions": [
- "invoiceDateId"
], - "conditions": [
- {
- "operator": "between, like, in, >, <, =, <>, >=, <=",
- "valueList": [
- "string"
], - "field": "string",
- "or": true
], - "orderBys": [
- {
- "direction": "asc",
- "field": "string"
], - "dateType": "conversionDate",
- "fromDate": "string",
- "toDate": "string",
- "targetCurrency": "string",
- "dateGroupBy": "daily",
- "includeOriginalCurrency": true,
- "includeTargetCurrency": true
Response samples
- 200
[- {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
Shorten URL
Returns a shortened URL
query Parameters
agencyId required | integer <int64> Select a valid AgencyID from https://knowledge.optimisemedia.com/docs/apireference#agencyid |
contactId required | integer <int64> contactId of the advertiser) |
Request Body schema: application/json
URL to shorten
longUrl | string |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "longUrl": "string"
Response samples
- 200
{- "shortUrl": "string"