Optimise Sub-Network Policy
Publisher sub-networks are a key component of any affiliate campaign and provide access to additional media such as in additional geographies. Optimise believes in transparency and providing this to their Advertisers. This policy is an outline of best practices and processes we advise sub-networks to follow when integrating with Optimise. Whilst this is currently a voluntary policy, we are reviewing best practices and alignment at an industry level so this may change in the future.
- All Publishers are ultimately responsible for and liable for the actions of their Sub-Publishers.
- Publishers are responsible for compliance with any laws, rules, and regulations related to their Sub Network.
- On request, a Publisher should immediately terminate a sub-publisher from promoting Advertiser(s).
- Optimise is not responsible for the distribution of validations or payments to any Sub-Publishers.
- Any terminated sub-publishers should not be allowed to re-join Advertiser/s at a later date unless explicitly agreed with Optimise.
- Sub-Publishers must comply with all relevant regulations, including but not limited to DPA and Cookie Laws applicable to all regions where they are acquiring traffic.
- Publishers must ensure that all Sub-Publishers are contractually obligated to provide an equivalent or higher level of data protection and information security standards to those agreed between Optimise and the Publisher, including but not limited to retention and destruction of data.
- All information displayed by a Sub-Publisher must be up to date, accurate, correct, and not displayed in a way that could be construed as misleading.
- Publishers must have appropriate vetting processes, monitoring capabilities, escalation processes, and suspension procedures in place for their Sub-Publishers.
- Publishers must be able to approve or reject a Sub-Publisher to Optimise campaigns before promotion.
- Publishers must have appropriate controls in place to ensure that no additional Sub-Networks are promoting Optimise’s campaigns via their account.
Publishers should provide an identifier for each unique Sub-Publisher so that traffic can be isolated and measured for traffic quality checks. The sub-publisher ID should be passed in the UID4 field: Optimise Knowledge Base - SubID UID
Publishers should provide Sub-Publisher referrer data using the ClickSource parameter so that Optimise & Advertiser/s can assess the suitability of the traffic referrals: Optimise Knowledge Base - Click Transparency